How The 'Ndrangheta (Italian Mafia) Actually Works | How Crime Works | Insider

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@ratedRblazin420 вчера
1:14 damn, she was HOT when she was younger. Really heavy Italian accent lol
@rayofsunshine427 6 дней назад
I would like talk with this women as I had a friend who was a trafficking victim who managed to get out and was told about the ometra the code of silence. She had never heard heard of it before. The people who tried to recruit her said they were soilders. She was very much manipulated and brainwashed at one point into sex trafficking but managed to fight her corner and ended up receiving death threats because she was a police informant and was called a rat and a stool piegion.
@davidhaynes3126 неделю назад
It’s good to hear, in many interviews of this calibre , that the families are in decline. I realize they’re not gone, but consider the horrible things they do ?
@karlwilliams2703 неделю назад
If anything she was happy to live the life what went wrong suddenly? YOUR A GRASS END OF,you and many like you broke the code you probably lavished in the lifestyle,some of these comments on here woooow the POLITICIANS ARE THE BIGGEST PEODFILIES AND CORRUPT AND USE PROSTITUTE'S,and before I finish nobody pushes drug's it's called SUPPLY & DEMAND WHERE THERE'S A DEMAND IT WILL NEVER END
@aldo5941 неделю назад
british people have no idea what the 4 mafias are in s fucked up
@viciousvendetta5706 2 недели назад
"Code of Honor, Men of Respect, Men of Honor, A Man's Man" or whatever ARE ALL about LIVING IN DENIALS, LIVING IN DELUSION and ILLUSION and they are all disgusting and SUPER STINKS as the OUTHOUSE IS FULL.
@scemochilegge5086 2 недели назад
Bunch of bullshits lmao
@AK-wn5ri 3 недели назад
I was working in Africa decade+ ago and one story became famous locally there. An Italian mafia boss was either hiding out there or was there on business. This Italian guy made a pass at a married women and husband of that came out with machete. Italian guy was tough for Italy but not so much in Africa. This civilian took out his machete and slapped with blunt side of it on his head. Mafioso cried like a baby and got rescued by police. Right now African gangs have got a small foothold in Italy, few years down the line Ndangheta will work for African crime lords in Italy.
@jameslee4923 3 недели назад
The scariest thing about her is those toe thumbs 🫤
@user-hk9bc9re6p 3 недели назад
How is any good things are go wrong person hand's after that what happens innocent people
@user-hk9bc9re6p 3 недели назад
I will watching every dum think but I'm not wrong person
@kubolor1234 3 недели назад
Calabrian Mafia, not Italian Mafia
@jossianrojas1619 3 недели назад
Amo a esta mujer...
@lukestephenson1884 3 недели назад
No Italian accent
@fredpalladino6189 месяц назад
Shes clearly proud still. Thats bad. Guess she just realized she could make money less risky writing a book.
@angelobagnoli месяц назад
How she has an English- British accent?
@user-qr6yk9gv1h месяц назад
Blood is a big expense nowadays I guess...
@bessdavies6440 месяц назад
As an Italian, I can tell you it's not true they don't touch women and children. That's absolute bull$hit. Smettila di cercare di salvarti la pelle, ciccia, non freghi nessuno.
@kencook7580 месяц назад
"UNFORTUNATELY YOU GET A CHILD KILLED" Fu***** really ! You are real class.
@markdavids2511 месяц назад
A Manc mafiosa.
@nathanthomas1742 месяц назад
Is this real? Why can she not pronounce italian words correctly?
@SmokeTemple месяц назад
As usual most honor and integrity was lost in the americanized version of the thing.
@ramseydoon8277 месяц назад
May all sentient beings be liberated from suffering and from the causes of suffering.🕉☮️☮️☮️
@FranekCyganek25 месяц назад
sa struktury dobrej mafi - kradnięcie ze sklepu, napad na bank, oszukiwanie systemu i wykorzystywanie go ale ewoluowanie prawa i swiata i rynku by bylo coraz zajebisciej tworzenie nowego swiata by bylo wszystko za darmo a za prace kazdy by sobie placil tyle ile chce i jak chce. a pieniadze jako dodatek i zabawa i jedno z narzędzi by ulepszac ufnosc miedzy ludzmi i zaznawanie lepszych relacji. Opiekowanie sie Naszymi i Indywidualnymi ludzkimi potrzebami zamiast zniechecanie do przestrzegania prawa tlumaczenie co i kiedy sie oplaca i jak osiagnac to co sie chce. Ogólne dazenie do fajnego doswiadczenia relacji i kazdy moze sie przydac i zajebisty sukces osiagnac na swoj sposob pozytywne nawet nie kary tylko fajnie ryjące banie i otwierające nauki i miłe "kary" te struktury i przekonania musza rządzić światem!!! i struktury zlej mafi- oslabianie zywotnosci zdrowia, ograniczanie energi zyciowej. sciganie ludzi i kontrolowanie prawem moralnym i cywilnym karanie i zabijanie ludzi chronienie prawa i zasad zamiast skupic sie na chronieniu ludzi te struktury i przekonania trzeba zniszczyc!!!
@nevalelapena месяц назад
Say whatever but this lady with those glasses is a lot scarier than whatever King Vonn or gang affiliated I've seen
@nalikz1875 месяц назад
Had to turn on CC
@FrithonaHrududu02127 месяц назад
This lafy seems like a bozo
@NokomiseW. месяц назад
Strangely, I was looking for the name Gonstabe..
@papercuthappinnes4468 месяц назад
I have a weird feeling from this lady that she can easily serve you your balls on a dish. And that would be one of her favorite mamma's recipes. -(Or should I be saying things like that at all??)-
@aaronhub5953 месяц назад
Someone is telling a very lot of lies
@mattstevens1332 2 месяца назад
@alexsmith-gn4tp 2 месяца назад
Mafia Princess with a MANCUNIAN accent ? Yeah, right 😊
@jennifurzoe1302 2 месяца назад
Va caga
@dwainfarmery6433 2 месяца назад
'Ey up, I wurra queen in t' mafia'.
@dougwe7803 2 месяца назад
I call BS
@Clithero 2 месяца назад
I also thought the Italian mafia's never sold drugs - cause it was seen as "blood money"? Sounds like that's pretty much the bulk of the business now outside of extorting it's own inhabitant's
@nistb2123 2 месяца назад
Horrible person.
@ccarl7833 2 месяца назад
Another form of systemic fascism
@cellperfetto 2 месяца назад
The hierarchy described in this video is totally messed up. They have whole different hierarchy than the one described. This one she talking about probably could be the 60's cosa nostra hierarchy. You can talk about the ndrangheta rankings for 2 days, she omitted almost everything from the bottom to the top of the pyramid. The are so many ranks in ndrangheta. She is giving straight misinformation
@robrob9250 2 месяца назад
The N'drangheta are a completely separate group to the Italian Mafia with it's own structure and customs. The only thing they have in common is that they're Italian. The Camorra, for example, is less hierarchical than the Sicilian Mafia. For someone who claims to have been involved in all of this she knows less than I do about these groups, and all I've done is read about them. I find it very hard to believe she was able go command the respect of hardened gangsters and criminals, she seems completely clueless.
@northernking2604 2 месяца назад
Is this a joke? Who is this chick?
@J4sse 2 месяца назад
@naveedzaman8252 2 месяца назад
@cgh55 2 месяца назад
These people are trash no matter how much mystique they generate and how many rituals they follow.
@arshadmahmood2947 2 месяца назад
Is she from Bradford
@user-lc4kd9pq8e 2 месяца назад
Sensationalizing these criminals. What times we live in!
@farazmahmood2552 2 месяца назад
From what ive seen, the italian mafia is basically a terrorist organization. They feast on innocent ppl, civilians, businesses, terrorize entire towns and neighborhoods. They're involved in everything from narcotics trafficking to everything down and will attack and kill anybody, including civliian men, women, children. But almost like they still continue to run a lot of the country. WHen they pull up, everyone clears the streets. Just seemed crazy chaotic. The american mafia was not even close to being as bad. They usually only targeted other criminals or ppl running illegal businesses. Yeah they scammed a lot and tried to defraud everybody, but not even close to as much useless violence as the the italian mafia. Whenever you ask someone from the old neighborhood, the civilians always say good things.
@Theboywen 2 месяца назад
Your father put you in charge because he can control you from jail and get control back when he’s released. He would have to fight your uncle for power back
@Northern-Pike 2 месяца назад
She's beautiful!
@heafsudzr-1141 2 месяца назад
Ohh so you could have titled this basic BASIC Mafia 101 I guess like my Australian friends could tell me this

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