Panera phases out charged lemonade drink nationwide

7 491
неделю назад
Канал: NBC News
@brandonsmith8166 3 дня назад
So sick of people. Everyone knew the charge lemonade had caffeine in it. This litigious society we live in ruins everything good.
@DontBDeceivedUsowUreap 5 дней назад
Why add caffeine to lemonade? That is ridiculous!
@wsams 5 дней назад
Above 20-30 mg and my heart cannot handle it. This company should be shut down FULL STOP!!!
@FaeridaeCrawford 6 дней назад
FFS i dont even live in the US and im sad, planned to travel in 2 months and try the lemonades (just 1 per day)
@Unknown0human неделю назад
Dumb adult giving their kids caffeine and alcohol THEY SHOULD OF WARNED THEM DUMB HORSES
@nubreed3271 неделю назад
Its messed up how some of us have to pay the price because some idiots didnt know how to watch their caffeine intake, first of all if u have a heart problem u shudnt be energy drinks, my mom has a heart issue she drinks her coffee every day but she's not going to panera to have a charged drink
@juliav.mcclelland2415 неделю назад
They could have also 1) Put up warning signs saying "This drink contains as much caffeine as 4 cans of Red Bull combined"; 2) Called the drink a super energy drink; or 3) Not put 4 cans of Red Bull's worth of caffeine in the mix because there's no logical reason to do that. Stupidest product ever.
@Redef1ned неделю назад
America has fallen
@chrissmith7669 неделю назад
Good grief as if we weren’t the laughing stock of the free world. I’ve drank plenty of that lemonade and barely noticed any supposed caffeine content. I assumed it was Marketing and little more
@michaeljones7222 неделю назад
Wow because of stupid people and political correctness i can't enjoy my lemonade thanx alot
@Smarty2able неделю назад
This family sounds bitter tbh. Too much privilege. Watch someone sue Starbucks for saying there's too much "sugar" and it gave them diabetes.
@Smarty2able неделю назад
This is so dumb. Watch them cry that there won't be anymore Panera on their block. America needs to put limitations on lawsuits.
@dcar7446 неделю назад
I’m thinking the kov💉d did it 😮
@JonathanDavid-bn4xc неделю назад
I wonder if they have that chaged lemonade in stores. If they do I need to buy alot of it before it gets taken off the shelf
@JonathanDavid-bn4xc неделю назад
Well if that is the case. They are getting rid of charged lemonade. Then they just lost me as a customer. That was the best drink
@MathieuCastro неделю назад
Guess the families must be so glad that they raised a kid who couldn't spend 2 minutes to ask what the new drinks actually were or looked it up on one of the many smartphones they all had with them when they all were out to lunch. Reminds me of all those people who go to a gym, buy an energy drink they know nothing about and nothing about how it will affect them. Then go run 5 miles on a treadmill and complain they're having a heart attack. Not one ounce of sorry for these individuals or their families. They must be so proud they changed the world because of their incompetence.
@LeaksRepairswhenurplumbe-bn6xk неделю назад
If u know u have health issues, it's up to you to police yourself. U can't sue because you are negligent
@chgone5034 неделю назад
I used to eat in Panara regularly, but I stoped eating there all together. Why? Because I do not want to pay tips at order before the meal is served. I began to worry about their possible spit on my food.
@Jim-pt8kk неделю назад
Yes, these drinks have too much caffeine in them, but also does Red Bull and other energy drinks one of the women that died, had an underlying heart ailment and she shouldn’t have been drinking any type of caffeinated drinks
@hehasrisen1990 неделю назад
Glad to hear this. These lemonades are too intense. There’s no reason to have that much caffeine in a drink
@vagurl84 неделю назад
Noo. They are literally called "charged" and have the caffeine content.
@dave23024 неделю назад
Probably a big difference between smokers and non-smokers. When I smoked, I could drink Monsters all day long and be fine. After I quit smoking, those things would destroy me. I'm guessing most Panera customers are of the non-smoking variety, so it probably hits them hard.
@mrsplanetmaster9 неделю назад
They'll charge it with cocaine out....🤓🥤
@darkwingedangel7216 неделю назад
I was genuinely curious. Guess I'll make a healthy version at home.
@Novastar.SaberCombat неделю назад
Panera Bread is a *DISASTER*. I rarely say this about any kind of food place, but it is literally THE worst place I've ever seen. I can't even explain how bad the food is, how BERSERK their pricing and "selection system" is, and how utterly sick I became the last three times I went in... all of which were separated by almost a year each. If you're reading this, then do yourself a favor and STAY... THE FLUNK... AWAY. 🤮 Don't F with yer stomach, mayne. It ain't worth it. ☠️
@brandon8953 неделю назад
Sad to hear this news I enjoy drinking them 2 or 3 of a day 🙁
@CJ-fh5xq неделю назад
Whattt, it wasnt too bad.
@VyDao2005 неделю назад
@imogenPsychic неделю назад
When someone order lemonade. They just want lemonade without anything added like caffeine. They should be banned from the beginning.
@nickgardner1408 неделю назад
I loved that drink. ☹️
@user-qu8lt3hf7e неделю назад
Parents fault
@user-qu8lt3hf7e неделю назад
Not happening

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