Why Bonsai Scissors Can Cost $26,000 | Still Standing | Insider Business

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@donniecatalano 2 недели назад
Why not make it a round 30.000 🤣
@robertoacosta6111 4 недели назад
I had a dream and I woke up with scissors in my butt and I says I love my wife and I says I want her to take them out
@cerberusr8676 месяц назад
i just watched narutos scissor then here sasuke is also making scissors for bonsai,what a rivalry
@stevelewis7263 месяц назад
I use £8 / $11 Toenail scissors, and they are perfect
@FrustratedBaboon месяц назад
I use my kid's scissors in my shop. I spent 0.50 cents on them. I saved $25,999.50 phew I am happy.
@127cmore месяц назад
This isn't as skilful as they imply. I should know as a stonemason 😂. Just a few coring machines and hand polishers. I'd say semi automatic process
@brittneyblueyes21 месяц назад
@YouOnlyIiveTwice месяц назад
I'd like to know who some of these people are that are buying scissors for $26K because I make some handcrafted turds every morning that I'd love to offer them for the absurdly low price of only $10K a piece.
@patverum9051 месяц назад
If you want to buy 3 ounces of reasonable quality steel and a tonne of mythical BS and pay 26,000 for it, here's your chance. BTW; narrator; he uses a wood-burning furnace...while he is seen loading coal/coke.
@AfaroX8 месяц назад
Bonsai Scissors Can Cost $26,000 simply because rich people are stupid enough to waste so much money on something that is not worth even half of it, with all respect to the master blacksmith. Any specialized scissors that cost under 50$ will do just fine.
@rodneyrobinson1115 месяц назад
A power hammer, for all your pounding needs.
@tigertraveler3156 месяц назад
I would like to pay 2/3 USD maximum
@nikthegreek640 месяц назад
Name one thing the Japanese fix cheap apart electronics?
@patrickpatino3651 месяц назад
I become one with my phone
@DiogenDogg 2 месяца назад
it's just a tool. It shouldn't cost like a luxury.
@squaremarco 2 месяца назад
overpriced bullshit
@MBerk-lv8jf 2 месяца назад
4 years for a scissor? i mean he never worked 4 year, everyday, 12 hours, for that :D maybe he work 20minutes every week so thats why it took 4 years..come on this shits price is never so high, stop overprice bullshit tolls
@MBerk-lv8jf 2 месяца назад
cant see a dffrent between this and a 2$ bonsai scissors
@bryannaing6316 2 месяца назад
Naruto Hair Shears and Sasuke Bonsai Scissors? This new Naruto spin-off going kinda crazy.
@BigChief1529 2 месяца назад
I would work and keep this mans businesses going for free. The craftsmanship and wisdom he has is incredible
@generallobster 2 месяца назад
This is the scissor equivalent to an OC chopper
@ybecerra3601 2 месяца назад
maybe master class to teach others
@anilmagar5431 2 месяца назад
Even expensive than Rolex watches..
@chardelraconner7324 3 месяца назад
he he he he hell yheu spartan after tax
@chardelraconner7324 3 месяца назад
do the looo dude your in the wrong buns business
@chardelraconner7324 3 месяца назад
$265 usd as of today your utensil what object(s) acclimated
@toradora1439 3 месяца назад
How shameful it must be not to carry on such an extended family tradition.
@JCOwens-zq6fd 3 месяца назад
These are arts that must be preserved. That is why i started making blades/tools. Mankind has always needed these to survive, it connects us to our ancestors & those who made the very 1st tool.
@zxqwerxz 3 месяца назад
There are dangers to hanging onto tradition, and this is just one of them. Its sad to lose skilled artisans this way, and who knows when the next time someone is going to pick up this craft, but as they say, adapt or die.
@DIEmicrosoft 4 месяца назад
Sadly, another skill soon to be lost.
@tinhinnh 4 месяца назад
so how much is a normal scissor
@virtual2152 4 месяца назад
After you pinch your palm with those scissors, you'll want your money back. Trust me.
@kingjoe3rd 4 месяца назад
that's the sound they make
@Wayne55231 4 месяца назад
I'm sorry, but for 26k I do expect the precision of the manufacturing down to a hair. 07:12 the overlapping of the blades when fully closed is shit.
@je6019 4 месяца назад
It's pronounced "bone sigh". "Banzai" is a celebratory cheer with association to battle cries. Makes me cringe to hear the mispronunciation. These videos need to be reviewed by someone with appropriate linguistic knowledge before release. Great video otherwise.
@verdigrissirgidrev4152 4 месяца назад
would be much better without narrator
@justifiable6474 4 месяца назад
I'd love to learn this craft from him
@ophiuchus992 4 месяца назад
You don't need any of this, I am a master with the bonsai, that's a fact
@The_Dude_420 4 месяца назад
Hes a child predator
@vanillasmerk5742 4 месяца назад
26k for a pair of scissors my ass. They better be 26k worth of gold in them to put on my necklace otherwise its laughable. 😅
@Ok.9. 4 месяца назад
How ironic, Sasuke and Naruto's Scissors.
@BornIn1500 4 месяца назад
It took him 3 years for that one pair? That's incredibly misleading. There's no way it was the only thing he worked on for 3 years. It must have been a side project that he only occasionally did some work on.
@MohamedElHanoun 4 месяца назад
So this scissors worth more than A katana 😜
@YMS09D 4 месяца назад
I wish I had the money to commission him to make the red lacquer scissors he wants to make.
@FortniteBalls5634 4 месяца назад
Alright... alright, I'll do it. I'm your guy Yasuhiro! I'm Yasuhiro's guy.
@beingmickeyutube 4 месяца назад
Look at the size of guys hand ✋
@MyBrainForYou 4 месяца назад
I just saw Naruto scissors, now Sasuke 😂😭
@Eriktioner 5 месяцев назад
Family workshop susgay? 0:41
@shresthgupta5887 5 месяцев назад
When people used to give their all in whatever they do.
@benzboston 5 месяцев назад
a true craftsman.they dont make old timers like this anymore.this man is a treasure and you could only be so lucky to own a pair of his scissors

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