
653 152
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@dorissanchez7519 4 дня назад
How can his father be ashamed I mean the man build his empire in Germany by running a brothel and a restaurant for coal mine worker's which would explain Trump's obsession with sleazy and porno star woman's.
@JenuineHealing месяц назад
A stoic respect for the law sweeps in on high and snuffs out the circus like atmosphere rump has stoked ; in all moments. Say 3 times while tapping on your head, a 4th time while tapping on your chest and a 5th time while tapping on your abdomen. (This post would not load when I spelled his name correctly. This is what we are dealing with)
@markio2010 месяц назад
Good job LP...keep up the pressure
@janncoons7445 месяц назад
Broke Don totally non compos mentis. Stable genius my ass just a sad sorry loser🎉
@kellierowe1693 3 месяца назад
How many were copied and shared or kept for blackmail purposes?
@tomstaniech9233 3 месяца назад
Judgment day is coming
@SoCaN8V 3 месяца назад
Hahaha This gets better every time I watch it🎉
@raristy1 3 месяца назад
GREAT commercial!! I wish it would run during the election!
@joeboudre1667 8 месяцев назад
@nealbennett4950 8 месяцев назад
There will be a lot of books written about trump and his indictments so you Lincoln Project should get a head start and cash on them after all you already have a lot of research to get started . And thanks once again for all of your videos . I think this one is the best this year .
@TheOtteroo 8 месяцев назад
Yeah the thing about declassifying the documents, even if he did, they, STILL BELONG TO THE GOVERNMENT!
@thundercloud7850 9 месяцев назад
Oh my this is a good one! Creepy horror movie vibes with the whispering voice bc trumpy IS a horror movie
@LukeO870 10 месяцев назад
"Shame Is For The Pure At Heart"
@mafarmerga год назад
It was Stormy....Shhhhhhhh
@alabamamothman2986 год назад
At the same time Biden had secret documents in a CCP business office at the U of Penn. While Garland knew that Biden had the documents given to the CCP. And thank you for exposing the unbelievable level of corruption raging in the democrat party. Even to the level of the 100,000 thousand a year dying of fentanyl overdoes in collusion with Mexican cartel. The democrat party should be stricken from the earth.
@CalBart42 год назад
lol man you guys sure know how to hit the prlck where it will hurt the most... love your work
@TheKingraven24 год назад
Love it
@lotstodo год назад
Very good ad! Why do they pussyfoot around him. He needs to be charged.
@BristleCone61 год назад
Perfection!! Thank you!
@mikeclark7429 год назад
This Ad has stood the test of time. Is now being featured on MSNBC.
@djr52 год назад
I believe this to be the best Lincoln Project video ever! You guys are awesome; please keep them coming!!👍
@muddywaters1934 год назад
Effing brilliant! Keep it up LP
@beaufan6416 год назад
A Rabid Dog must be put down Should have been trapped in a prophylactic before it’s horrific trail of destruction over 60 years ago
@marionmolina2225 год назад
That´s great I hope he goes insane... Liar. You´re going to prisooooon Donny boy....!!!!
@donholmes3267 год назад
OFF with his head !
@juliewest7472 год назад
Vote!! Donate!! Time...Money...our Country is worth it!! We need every person and every DOLLAR
@alohatstyles год назад
Hard core.
@micaelrutledge5176 год назад
Donald, … pssst, … you have NO FRIENDS!!! Because you are EVIL!!! Your father would not be disappointed in you. He knew the depths of your depravity.
@melissavalentina6025 год назад
Who gave all of you a pass on your pedo charges Lincoln Project?
@AmericanStuff2024 год назад
So apparently the big secret that he hates about his face is that he has a high forehead with a 'widow's peak?' That is completely asinine.
@SciDOCMBC год назад
This is by far the best Lincoln Project advertisement of all. Just gigantic.
@tktkdiamond год назад
Yup thanks to warriors like LeticiaJames and Liz Cheney and trumps first Achilles Heel Cassidy Hutchinson who started the trumps downfall from the very beginning of the J6 Commitee starting the Catastrophic Domino Effect and since then he hasn't recovered only way more downhill on turbo speed trump goes now on all fronts and since she testifyed. Now trump is out of options out of lawyers and out of time and now out of a supreme court last rescue plan denied now it's time to bring the Biggest American War Criminal and Traitor in Once and For All
@annetteaaa8540 год назад
@cosmicraysshotsintothelight год назад
Awesome! The shyster got shylocked on reality.
@cachanilla3839 год назад
I can't believe I'm watching this with the second coming himself. Sir,your magastey.. it's a blessing.( But who was it?)
@dionneop1amnotithebestg08m3 год назад
This is how you fuck with someone’s mental state!!! Damn Lincoln Project!! Great job
@michaelcolbert5797 год назад
I love watching you guys trying to make his head explode!! Well done you! 👍🏻
@dianewhalen9721 год назад
Thankyou Lincoln Project .The World needs you
@rael5469 год назад
"Insider" Melania.
@Seemygloss год назад
Never fails when it gets hot in the kitchen the Cook's hall ass. THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING !!!
@RioJudy год назад
Oh baby! Nothing worse to a narcissist than s h a m e !
@kevinshaffer1047 год назад
oh this is the best..LOL
@RH-sb5co год назад
"They're never was"...
@casperkasparov302 год назад
I Have A Feeling The Trump Crime Family Will Turn On Each Other
@Hootz99 год назад
.....and still not a single charge laid against the man. P.S. Trump 2024!!
@Ten4Chi8 год назад
@KC-nd7nt год назад
That's priceless
@ambrosedonohue5550 год назад
Another way to make him some money! He would sell anything and everything, at a price, that he could get his hands on! He's gritted, and is still grifting, his Maga dumarses to death. If they're that dumb, great, they deserve it!
@Jax-kissme год назад
@jsl151850b год назад
*Hey! There's being accurate and then there's just being mean.*

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