How India's Workshops Churn Out Thousands Of Handcrafted Scissors | Risky Business

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@thenailarchitect0808 6 дней назад
I don't understand how rich, smart, and beautiful India is, but the people aren't protected! Who buys these scissors? Where are they? They need to pay them way more so they can get the proper working gear.
@briom1425 неделю назад
Barr Chinese products , low quality garbage
@firdauspangky8431 неделю назад
Thats compny making profit for such a long time but cannot provide safety equipment,environment,workplace even sop for the workers,the workers dont have a choice
@brutallyhonest3574 неделю назад
It's not just the job that's killing them, its the government for allowing the factory workers to get away with such unsafe conditions and for overtaxing their goods. There's no point in blaming the Chinese for making scissors cheaper quality scissors. Their product appeals to a different market. What India should do is evolve the business. Use higher quality materials and machines for the crude work but also retain enough master craftsman in order to make a more superior hand crafted artisan heirloom quality product like Sheffield has.
@jrobbin24 неделю назад
We need more jobs like this in America so men can be proud men again.
@ScottieBMan 2 недели назад
Don’t buy Chinese, support your own country when able and Tiawan, Canada, Japan, Mexico, India etc when able ✌🏻🇺🇸
@kaptainkaos1202 2 недели назад
I wish there was someway to contact the workers in the video. I’d send the artisan who spent US$90 for the grinding wheel the money to pay it off. If he’s relieved of the debt perhaps he can get ahead instead of always chasing fortune.
@lightbeware9875 2 недели назад
@tiagomartinho77 2 недели назад
80% with lung diseases, thats mental, 45 years life expectancy and still they choose to work there. Yes its a choice, its not slavery, and thats part of the reason they pay 3$ a day, always people willing to do it. Its like that in every job, if people had standards they d have to pay more, there are thousands of jobs, have some pride
@leeamessage 2 недели назад
I feel bad but working smarter and not harder is a choice. There are ways to improve productivity with less overhead and improved safety without sacrificing quality. They just choose the harder path because it's a selling point. If you look at Japan, they make stuff that's been made the same way for decades but they don't sacrifice safety nor quality.
@sarmah8738 2 недели назад
4 wives 40 children and dreams of virgins with wine 🍷, all utopian world 😂
@theberkanian5927 2 недели назад
Face masks exist, you know
@nadiradutt8470 2 недели назад
@eizenga 2 недели назад
Their knees omg
@reyfauzi 2 недели назад
Leave it to the business insiders to romanticize inhumane working conditions
@paulmaxwell8851 2 недели назад
Wow. I have great, great respect for these hard-working men, toiling away for long hours just to feed their families. Knowing that this occupation will shorten their lives........Around here, I can't even find someone to mow my lawns.
@m03_m 2 недели назад
Why do they still want to work for this kind of job in today world? Hardworking? Really have hope with life? Or they are just coward and afraid of being hungry? If people are really working together, they can farm themselves and survive with a better life. If government are so bad then why you still pay tax to government. Your world village just rush into government places get food to stay alive than allowing the government to enjoy than allowing yourself to suffer.
@Hallelujah666 2 недели назад
hell on earth
@chefbisdak2410 2 недели назад
Corrupt countries are not concerned of their people's health benefits. Because corrupt countries oroduced corrupt businessmen as well.
@michelebella677 2 недели назад
Why are these people not given respiratory masks to wear to protect themselves? India’s lack of worker protections is criminal. Working in a dying industry where you’re literally dying FOR the industry is shameful. If the Indian government actually cared about its citizens it would regulate things like this. Walking around with bare feet and other exposed body parts around hot molten metal, breathing in cancerous metals and dying at half a normal persons life expectancy is cruel and unusual punishment.
@vishuuuu1509 2 недели назад
@BitterTruth123 2 недели назад
Toolkit Documentary = Let's blame Modi 😅
@erichardy7183 3 недели назад
So... bulk manufacturing in China is threatening to replace this hellscape? Not sure what argument Business Insider is trying to make.
@davidhallberg 3 недели назад
Just hold on, because we in the west are all going back to things that last and not the cheap plastic crap from china!!
@Nightweaver1 3 недели назад
It really is a totally different world in India where a total lack of working safety standards and proper pay is considered acceptable when in the US shops can't even open unless they have approval from a safety inspector, and pay is so much higher. And the poor houses these people live in for such fine craftsmen that they are, it's a shame.
@ronisilva4477 3 недели назад
Sad....a very poor workers
@ginglyst 3 недели назад
he's been working her for 18 jurs 😂
@roifilham29 3 недели назад
i appreciate handmade goods, but they need to care more with their safety and health
@ElderRaven 3 недели назад
Wow that one guy has his hands in diesel all day!?
@MrHeraldx 3 недели назад
these crafts should be treated more value like Japanese does with their crafts
@yourgooglemeister6745 3 недели назад
Meanwhile in America there's some obese HR chick complaining about the price of a latte every morning
@isabelc2131 3 недели назад
This should have died out long ago. Automatization is cheaper, safer & more effective. Stop glorifying outdated ways of doing things as 'traditional'. These people could be working in overall better jobs & could have gotten a more qualified education.
@bakerkawesa 3 недели назад
They need masks, overalls, gloves, and boots. And I'm sure they can afford these things.
@mrtommygunner 3 недели назад
You can tell this is an industry with quite the potential but doesn't get ahead because A. slowly or outright refusing to adapt new production methods, B. high tax rate (18%) and C. complete disregard of workers' safety and health. Combine all three and few people would be interested in working or investing in the scissors industry.
@tomhipson 3 недели назад
Let's keep it medieval!
@gsnayyar 3 недели назад
What they need is a union.
@Truthseeker1-uq6wc 3 недели назад
These humans will achieve enlightenment and be granted paradise hundreds of years before the rich. They will be asked, do you remember anything of the suffering you endured in your past life, and they will say, no, after having witnessed Paradise. May Allah bless these humans with the highest level of Jannah ameen
@morkelzaayman6756 3 недели назад
A dangerous industry.. risk of burns and all (uncontrolled so people act in unsafe ways)... and then inhaling all those toxins... and here we are crying because 100 people in that village wont have a job due to cheaper Chinese imports (and probably of the same or better quality). They are probably better off health-wise looking for something else to do (if that industry does fail), because it sounds like they are killing themselves in what they are doing for a living. These people really are better off in the long term with the market being flooded with cheaper imports Am I missing something here? Industries die all the time.
@TheGrimStoic 4 недели назад
meeee ret
@unclerojelio6320 4 недели назад
Can you buy a pair online?
@unclerojelio6320 4 недели назад
Dummy scissors = pattern drafts.
@dennisyoung4631 4 недели назад
Fumy Brass…. How they endure the sickness?
@593Vivek месяц назад
18% GST on scissors... Wah Modi ji Wah... Without improving life of these people UP and Union government focuses on Ram Mandir.. Thank you Adithinath ji..
@1pcfred месяц назад
And here I thought I had a rough day today.
@dazaspc месяц назад
All the bronze/brass casting without fume management they will all be suffering from Metal Fever. Zinc fumes are quite dangerous.
@arunistheking месяц назад
BI videos on other countries show expert artisans in a different light but even though there are tons of artisans in India, they always show poverty and safety violations.
@karenneill9109 месяц назад
I can’t see this being sustainable. They aren’t good enough quality to justify the labour. When I can buy a pair of Fiskars that last me a lifetime, but are a tiny fraction of the cost to produce, the math just doesn’t math.
@cameronhermann9400 месяц назад
It sucks how terrible the conditions are and the danger they work with. But I respect them for making things with quality
@kingkong81icloud месяц назад
Why don’t they get a extraction fan that’s sucks the air though a carbon filter make one with charcoal an get a powerful fan, give your scissors a life time warranty so people buy yours ,
@tesseractgon-dy5yo месяц назад
That's why i buy products that are made by Indians and not by chinese. Chinese products are crappy, made as cheaply as possible it crumbles the moment it touches the thing you're using it on. Then you buy again, and same thing happens once more

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